True, I am procrastinating. I hate to clean, I get sense-memory carpel tunnel flare up induced by images of child-me going through the motions -> tedious repetition of scrubbing floors, bathtubs and table tops <– but it is that time of year and I am a “traditional” kinda gal! (Besides, my honey is a neat freak and I am almost inspired by that. Almost.)
Spring Cleaning = PAIN!!!
Spring cleaning (according to our friends @wikipedia) is the period in spring time set aside for cleaning a house, normally applied in climates with a cold winter.
The most common usage of spring cleaning refers to the yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom which would take place in the first warm days of the year typically in spring, hence the name. However it has also come to be synonymous with any kind of heavy duty cleaning or organizing enterprise. A person who gets their affairs in order before an audit or inspection could be said to be doing some spring cleaning. (Or a Politician)
As a true ” Geek” of course, Spring Cleaning takes on a new meaning to include, not just the traditional dusting about the house and recycling all my old clothing to the Salvation Army, it means clean up/back up of critical systems for life & business! Inspired by a recent post at I thought some of you might appreciate what they say is The Good, the bad and the useless when it comes to doing “stuff” to your PC!
As for me, time to get to that pile of old clothes and start labeling boxes for A/V cables!