I really have come to loathe the quality of Time Warner Cable service in NYC – they deny any knowledge publicly of the constant packet dropping, jitter, channel freezing and the spontaneous “reboot” of their STB’s – of course ignoring a problem doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. In search of better service, I am doing a little comparison shopping for TWC vs. DirectTV. I am a New York gal, born, bred and buttered in this land of love & fine dining… I need NY1 to kick off my work day… Direct TV does not carry NY1 and that is a big turn off. As I am trying to find out what service providers do carry NY1 that are NOT TWC, I couldn’t find the provider list on the NY1 website, but what I did find was a whole lot of DirectTV ads. Who was the brainiac who came up with that media buy??
What are your thoughts, if I have to leave Time Warner Cable and want to keep my NY1, where should I turn???

Just how do i add this to my RSS reader? I’m sorry I am a novice 🙁